Key Features
Business Loan Investment Fund
Name of Fund
Business Loan Investment Fund
Thrifty Money Pty Ltd
Fund Auditors
Advanced Accountants RTM
Nature of Fund
The Business Loan Investment Fund is a contributory investment fund, managed under an ASIC approved and issued AFSL. The Fund comprises of multiple Subfunds into which Members of the Fund invest. Each Subfund consists of one active business loan.
Eligible Investors
AFIF is open to Wholesale investors only. However, a closed category of Retail
investors, at the Trustee's sole discretion and as permitted by law, may be accepted
Investment Objective
The Fund’s objective is to deliver a Yield of no less than 8% per annum return on capital invested.
Investment Strategy
Hurdle Rate
BLIF fund secured short term business loans at the best rate it could attract.
None declared
None of the funds investors has received a return smaller than 7% (including premature withdrawals) and, since inception, no investor have lost any of its capital
Investment Term
The LVR (loan to security value ratio) varies from Loan to Loan and is determined by the type and nature of the security offered. LVR will, at the inception of a loan, not be worse than 80%
The minimum investment term is three (3) years.
Minimum Investment
The minimum investment in the Fund is * $50,000
Unit Pricing
Units are issued at $1.00 per unit.
* $ refers to Australian Dollar
(Download Disclosure Document and Subscribe for Units in the Fund)